There are 8 subject departments in the Lyceum. Each department implements the process of developing and compiling programs, thematic plans, thematic units, evaluation tasks, development of subject-methodical materials, coordination of students' independent research works.
Methodical processes of specialized courses of subjects included in the department, individual, additional trainings, extracurricular associations of advanced training groups are also carried out under the direct supervision of the department and the head of the department.
"Language is the greatest fact of the national existence and essence of every nation, the greatest stamp of independence and genius, the magic key of history and the distant past, the richest treasury of mental abilities, soul and psychology."
Hovhannes Tumanyan
Subjects according to grades
5-6 grades; Native language
7-12 grades; Armenian language and Literature
The aim of the Department of Armenian language and Literature is to use language (speech) as a means of self-expression, analysis and social communication, to develop the abilities of speaking, reading, writing and correctly understanding the meaning of the text / speech /, to develop critical, creative, thinking skills, literary and non-literary texts to analyze the abilities, to realize and appreciate national and universal values, to carry out effective communication, to emphasize language as a means of preserving and developing national identity.
"To have a second language is to possessa second soul"
Carlos Magnus
Subjects by grades
Grades 5-10: Russian, English, French, German
The purpose of the Department of Foreign Languages is to apply foreign languages in different situations, forming multilingualism, to develop students' language thinking, critical and creative thinking skills, to develop respect for other languages and cultures.
“In every department of physical science there is only so much science, properly so-called, as there is mathematics.”
I. Kant
Subjects by grade
Grades 5-6: Mathematics
Grades 7-9: Algebra, Geometry
Grades 10-12: Algebra and Elements of Mathematical Analysis, Geometry
The purpose of the Department of Mathematics is to develop the ability to understand the principles and nature of mathematics, to develop logical, critical and creative thinking, to develop confidence, perseverance and independence in mathematical thinking and problem solving, to develop the ability to generalize and abstract, to evaluate how they influence each other developments in technology and mathematics, evaluate the contribution of mathematics to other fields of knowledge, develop the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake further studies in mathematics.
"In matters of natural science, knowledge of phenomena is what leads us to inquire and discover their causes. Without it we will wander like a blind man and with even less confidence because we won't know what to aim for, and a blind man at least knows where he wants to go".
Galileo Galilei
Subjects by grades
5th grade: Nature
Grade 6: Biology
Grades 7-12: Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Grades 10, 11: Science
11th grade: Environmental protection
Grades 5, 7, 12: Healthy Lifestyle
The purpose of the Department of Natural Sciences is to understand and appreciate science and its importance, to consider science as a human activity with its advantages and limitations, to develop analytical, curious and flexible minds that raise questions, solve problems, construct explanations and valid arguments, develop design and research , the ability to evaluate evidence and draw conclusions, build the ability to collaborate effectively, apply language skills and knowledge in different areas of life.
"Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it".
Thomas Fuller
Subjects by grade
5th grade - My motherland
6th grade: My homeland and the world
6th grade: Nature
Grades 7-12: Armenian history
Grades 7-10: Geography
Grades 7-10: World History
Grades 7-12: Social Studies
The purpose of the Department of Social Sciences is to appreciate human and environmental commonalities and differences, to understand the interactions and interconnectedness of individuals, societies and the environment, to understand how human and environmental systems work and develop together, to identify and develop the well-being of human communities and the natural environment, to act as responsible citizens in local and global communities, develop research skills that through conceptual understandings lie between individuals, societies and the natural environments in which they live.
"It will soon be possible to transmit wireless messages around the world so simply that any individual can carry and operate his own apparatus".
Nikola Tesla
Subjects by grade
5th grade (informatics, robotics, technology)
6th grade (informatics, robotics, technology)
7th grade (informatics, robotics, technology)
8th grade (informatics, robotics)
9th grade (informatics, robotics)
10th grade (informatics, drawing)
11th grade (informatics, robotics, drawing)
12th grade (informatics, drawing)
The purpose of the Department of Technology is to enjoy the design process, appreciate its beauty and power, develop knowledge, understanding, and skills in various disciplines to design and create solutions using the design cycle, apply technologies effectively for information access, processing, and communication, model and create solutions, solve problems, recognize the impact of design innovations on life, global society, and the environment, appreciate past, present, and emerging design in cultural, political, societal, historical, and environmental contexts, respect the views of others, value alternative solutions to problems, act unitedly and honestly, and take responsibility for one's actions, while developing effective work practices.
"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance".
Subjects by grade
5th grade - Dance, Art, Song - Music
6th grade - Dance, Art, Song - Music
7th grade - Art, Singing - Music
8th grade - Fine arts, Dramaturgy
Grades 9-12: Pottery, Cinematography, Photography, Architecture, Fine Art, Graphic Design
The purpose of the art chair is to develop creative thinking and skills, provide an opportunity for self-discovery and self-expression, foster self-management, cultivate a correct perception of time and space, recognize the peculiarities and structures of various art forms, enhance the ability to collaborate in group settings, generate new ideas, identify ways to implement them, and foster the development of critical analytical thinking skills.
"Nothing destroys as much as long physical inactivity".
Subjects by grade
Grades 1-12 Physical Education
Grades 5-12 Tennis
Grades 8-12 Preliminary Military Training
The purpose of the Department of Physical Education, Healthy Lifestyle, and Preliminary Military Training is to cultivate individuals who are physically fit, well-rounded, prepared for active participation in work and daily activities, self-assured, and committed to maintaining a healthy and safe lifestyle. Additionally, it aims to develop citizens who are oriented and proactive, particularly in emergency situations.