Primary School
About Primary School
The Primary School of the "Shirakatsy Lyceum" International Scientific-Educational Complex was established in 1998. The educational process of the Primary School is organized by the integrated educational program of the RA State and International Baccalaureate Primary School (Primary Years Program or IB PYP). The main aim of the IB PYP program is to develop a knowledgeable, researching and constantly evolving individual. The Primary School Program provides education for children ages 6-10.
The Primary school has a library, an IT room, a dance hall, a sports hall, a kitchen, a dining hall, a medical center, as well as a playground. Classrooms in the school are adapted to the age and individual characteristics of children. Teachers and specialists are selected on a competitive basis and constantly participate in trainings, improving their skills and abilities.
Primary School Programme Model
How do we organize ourselves?
The school day in the Primary School starts at 08:55 and ends at 15:20 and the extended day program ends at 17:15. The educational process is interspersed with breakfast, lunch and after-dinner, and additional food is planned for an extended day.
During the extended day, students have the opportunity to participate in clubs and complete mastery tasks.
How do we work?
In the Primary school, a cross-curricular learning approach is used, ensuring the connection of the acquired knowledge with everyday life. Knowledge is built in languages, mathematics, arts (art, music, dance), natural sciences, social sciences, physical (swimming, physical education) and social education to ensure the well-rounded development of the individual.
There are various extracurricular groups: fine arts, chess, piano, dance, karate, skillful hands, French, hip-hop, etc.
The School is our common home
An environment of mutual respect, cooperation and fairness has been formed in the Primary School, where everyone learn: including students, teachers and parents.
The school constantly encourages innovation, the preservation of national values, which is evidenced by a number of national events, and the international mindset is also emphasized.
How do we express ourselves?
Students demonstrate their knowledge, abilities and skills in the framework of various events, group and school holidays, exhibitions.
Famous people, people representing various professions are often hosted in the Primary School. Excursions are organized during which the children improve their research skills and works.
At the end of the Primary School, the 4th graders present their individual or group works at the PYP Exhibition.
The services of Primary School
The psychological service takes care of the psychological health of students in close cooperation with educators and the parent community.
The speech therapy service contributes to the formation and development of written and oral speech of all students.
The medical service provides health control, first aid for children, cleanliness in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
Emphasizing safety and comfort, the transportation service has been improved over the years, and today not only students, but also employees are transported by modern and comfortable minibuses and buses.
The security service provides around-the-clock security for students and employees.
The cafeteria provides children with 4-time various, healthy and wholesome meals. The special diet is developed by a doctor-nutritionist.
Children are admitted to the 1st grade of the Primary School (Admission applications are accepted from March 10 to 24) based on the parent's application and the results of testing (psychological readiness for school, IQ), and grades 2-4 are available only if there are places, on the basis of the parent's application and the results of the knowledge and ability test in 4 subjects (Armenian language, mathematics, foreign language, Russian).
For admission queries, please get in touch