The founding director of Shirakatsy Lyceum, Ashot Alikhanyan, is a devoted leader who has been committed to organizing quality education and forming powerful generations for decades. He is a constant source of inspiration for the entire community of Shirakatsy Lyceum, instilling a culture of achievement and progress in the field of education.
Ashot Alikhanyan is a recognized educational figure in prestigious global educational organizations, such as the International Baccalaureate, Round Square, Council of International Schools, Association of IB Schools of CIS countries, etc. Mr. Alikhanyan has a great role in localizing international achievements in the field of education in Armenia, as well as in making our national ideology heard in the world.
*Pictures are arranged in alphabetical order
Ashot AlikhanyanGeneral Directorashotalikhanyan@shirakatsy.am
Arpine PapazyanGeneral Аdvisorarpinepapazyan@shirakatsy.am
Ashkhen TovmasyanFirst Deputy Director of Educational Complex, Chief of Staffashkhentovmasyan@shirakatsy.am
Gayane GrigoryanPrincipal of Primary Schoolgayanegrigoryan@shirakatsy.am
Tatevik ArzumanyanPrincipal of Middle Schooltatevikarzumanyan@shirakatsy.am
Anna StepanyanHigh school principle, Deputy Director for Educational Technologies, High School Diploma Programme Coordinatorannastepanyan@shirakatsy.am
Ashot DavtyanDeputy Director of General Affairsashotdavtyan@shirakatsy.am
Gagik TorchyanDeputy Director of Educational Program Developmentgagiktorchyan@shirakatsy.am
Alla HakhnazryanLegal AdvisorAllaHakhnazaryan@shirakatsy.am
Ani HarutyunyanDeputy Director of Human Resourcesaniharutyunyan1@shirakatsy.am
Taguhi SinanyanFirst Deputy Director of Financial-Economic Affairstaguhisinanyan@shirakatsy.am
Nikoghos HajyanGeneral Аdvisornikohajyan@shirakatsy.am
Hovsep IordanyanGeneral Аdvisorhovsepiordanyan@shirakatsy.am
Irina KhanamiryanAdvisor to the General Director on the Psychological Affairsinfo@shirakatsy.am
Khachik HakobyanAdvisor to the General Director on Development Programskhachikhakobyan@shirakatsy.am