News & Events
28.11.2023Visit of representatives of the embassies of the Republic of Belarus, the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation to the Lyceum"Cooperation for a happy childhood". this was the title of this initiative, which was implemented for the second time on November 24. The event with this title is dedicated to the World Day for the Protection of Children's Rights, which has been celebrated worldwide since 1954 on November 20.LEARN MORE
ԼYCEUM COMMUNITY20.01.2021Remembering Silva Kapuyikyan."Today, January 20, is the birthday (101st anniversary) of National poet of Armenia, I involuntarily recalled, although I will never forget our meetings with Silva Kaputikyan," the Director of the Educational Complex, Ashot Alikhanyan, opens the chain of stories.LEARN MORE
ԼYCEUM COMMUNITY30.03.2020Our Nikolay Stepanovich is 85 years old.Nikoghos Hajyan, affectionately known as Niko among his friends, is the knowledgeable, active and zippy grandfather of the Lyceum, who even during a random meeting has an interesting and memorable story that he keeps especially for you, which he spices up with humor and concludes with good advice. The stories are endless, the interests are diverse, and the love for technology and science is always awake and infectious.LEARN MORE